This week we joined forces with Play Media to share their expert knowledge on how to conduct a keyword analysis. Our past features have focused on the happy marriage of marketing and sales and the ultimate guide to video marketing.

As a member of the Agency Vista marketing team regularly contributing content to our site, I was joined by Sandra Knežević, Project Manager and SEO Specialist at Play Media. 


Play Media is a marketing agency focused on digital marketing, but specializes in SEO. They are a dedicated team located in Miami, Florida. Their goal is to help clients develop their business in the most painless way possible.

Let’s dive into some of the insights they provided us on how to conduct a keyword analysis. 

Q1: What is a keyword analysis?

The simplest explanation would be – a keyword analysis is the process of finding and analyzing keywords in order to drive traffic to your website. It is a starting point in creating an SEO strategy. 

Q2: What is the most important thing to have in mind during the keyword analysis process?

It’s understanding the client’s business and goals and on the other hand, search intent – what exactly potential customer or user expects to find when searching. 

Q3: Why is keyword research important?

It is the first step in creating an SEO strategy. It’s like building a house, you need to have a strong foundation if you want your house to be strong and not to fall apart. It is the same thing with your SEO strategy – choosing the right keywords is the foundation. 

Q4: How do you discover and research new keywords?

Using tools like Ahrefs, also Google Trends can be a good source of new keywords as well as Google’s related searches.

Ahrefs is simple to use, has all the information I need and has a great position tracking feature. Besides, I always love to check keywords manually and to see Google’s related searches. 

Q5: How do determine what is a good keyword?

A lot of factors are included in deciding what keyword is a good one – it requires a detailed analysis. You must know your client’s business, as I already said, goals, target market, competitors and so on. 

Using keyword research tools is a must. It is important to include metrics like:

  • Search Volume – it’s really doesn’t make sense to chase keywords that nobody is looking for. 
  • Keyword Difficulty – search volume is important but if KD is very high and competitive, you must be realistic and target keywords that you can actually rank for at the top of the Google search. 
  • Relevance – is the keyword going to satisfy the user’s needs. 

Q6: What is the most common keyword mistake you see?

It is aiming at unrealistic keywords, not checking your competitors, choosing wrong competitors, not analyzing Google’s first page and current results, using singular instead of plural and vice versa, using keywords with zero search volume, and ignoring search intent.

Q7: How often should you monitor your keywords?

For me, that is the most exciting part and where the fun starts. I like to check them very often because I’m very curious to see the results of the work. Even though SEO can be a slow process, some changes can be seen very quickly, and I think is important to keep on track and spot trends in rankings movements. I’d say at least once a week.

Final Thoughts 

If you’re business looking to improve your sites search ranking – be sure to check out Play Media for all of your SEO needs. Agency Vista can also provide you with higher SEO rankings through 10+ supercharged for SEO pages complimentary to your account.

Thank You!

A giant thank you to Sandra and the rest of the Play Media team that shared their insights for our #FeatureFriday post.

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